Area Rug

Area Rug


Area rugs can be made to any size requirements. The edges of the rugs are bound in either a narrow rush plait or linen tape binding. All plaiting is interwoven with lavendar, artemesia & chamomile. Recycled wool underlay is woven to the rug at an extra cost.

All rugs are made to order. Lead times vary.

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The core of Rush Matters' work is traditional rush floor matting, also known as medieval or apple matting. The rush is plaited by hand, using a '9 end flat weave' into lengths 3" wide, and hand sewn together with jute twine. Each mat is made to each clients requirements as a central mat, runner or fitted as a carpet, wall to wall. Size is no object. An '11 end flat weave' produces a fine 1 1/2" plait to bind the ends or sewn all round to fully edge the mat or carpet.

The rush flooring is suitable for any interior space. Its natural tones, texture and scent is ideal for the interiors of today. Equally, it has fantastic historical and traditional uses in older properties.

The matting, once laid benefits from regular watering using an atomiser. This will rejuvenate the rush work and enhance the aroma and overall life of the flooring.

A recycled woolen felt underlay is sewn to the rugs at a small extra cost. The same underlay is used under the fitted work when we make wall to wall as a carpet.

Colours of Rush work may vary and will most likely be green to start, but will mellow to golden honey tones as they age.

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