Velvet - Cotton | Tallow

Velvet - Cotton | Tallow

  • Colour: Tallow - 4197

  • 100% Cotton

  • Width: 55”

  • Rub: 50,000-100,000

  • Colourways: 24

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Originating in the early Fourteenth Century in Kashmir, velvet delivers luxury, colour, lustre and sophistication. Because of its fluidity and reflective sheen its mood adjusts with the light so is never flat or dead. It is a surprisingly versatile fabric, and a surprisingly resilient one - sturdy enough depending on its composition, to withstand the rigours of the most demanding commercial or domestic environments.

Historically a complex and expensive fabric to produce –it is woven as a double cloth in two thicknesses that are split in half to reveal the pile - modern compositions and production methods mean that it can be delivered at a price point to suit any budget, from more basic cotton and linen velvets to luxurious cloths in pure silk or mohair.Because cotton, linen and mohair fibres take dye so well, incredible intensities of jewel like colour can be built up. The final finishing processes achieve the fabrics characteristically fluid and soft hand.

Primary application: upholstery, curtains and walling.